Electro-Acupuncture is the application of a pulsating electrical current to acupuncture needles on acupuncture points on the body. This gentle electrical current is an alternative way to enhance the energy (qi) flow. The treatment is usually 20-30 minutes while the microcurrent generates from the TENS unit.
Electro-acupuncture activates the nervous system and alleviates pain and inflammation by blocking the release mechanism of bioactive chemicals in the bloodstream. The combination of electro-acupuncture and a low dosage of herbal analgesic can provide effective pain management and prevent side effects compared to conventional pharmaceuticals. It is also very effective in cases of stubborn neurological disorders and chronic pain, spasms, and paralysis.
Electro-acupuncture is not recommended for patients who are pregnant, experience seizures or have a history of heart disease, strokes, or epilepsy, and patients with pacemakers.