Acupuncture is a powerful, safe and effective natural therapy. It has the ability to heal many illnesses, prevent disease and improve overall well-being on a physical, mental and emotional level.
These results are achieved by inserting fine, hair-thin needles into specific points in the body. Carefully chosen acupuncture points are used to break up blockages and to stimulate the energy to move freely throughout the body. Energy or “qi” as it is sometimes called, is the vital life force that circulates throughout the body via pathways called meridians. There are 14 main meridian channels in the body. Each meridian is connected to specific organs and glands. Upon gently insertion and stimulation of the needles, the body’s natural healing response is triggered. It activates the production of brain chemicals and hormones to regulate your body’s internal functions.
“The total absence of qi is death…one’s good health depends on the balanced distribution of qi throughout the meridian network. It is vital to keep the relationship between qi and blood in good balance as they are connected and interdependent of each other. Literally they are inseparable. If there is no qi, the body cannot fully function.”
Many modern-day habits and lifestyles influence the energy and flow of qi. These could be physical, mental or emotional trauma, stress, lack of exercise, overexertion, poor diet, overwork and excessive stimulation such as alcohol, caffeine, social media, … Even seasonal changes or too many late nights will severely impact and restricts the flow of this life force.
Acupuncture has the miraculous ability to rebalance these deficiencies and excesses.
Typically accompanied with acupuncture treatment are aromatherapy and flower essences. As an introduction, Vivian applies pure, organic essential oils to specifically chosen acupuncture points as a way to rebalance and harmonize the body. Ear and hand reflexology and massage are also incorporated into the session. This gentle and loving approach leaves you feeling pampered and relaxed and is very popular with children. Flower essence therapy uses flowers that have healing vibrational energy. The practice uses flower essences, which are liquids infused with a flower’s energy. Flower essences can improve immunity, depression, and anxiety.